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12-Week Habit Change Wellness Course
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How This Course Works (15:24)
Enrollment Checklist
Module 1 - 'Foundation Module'
Make Yourself a Priority (Lesson 1) (31:26)
Take Inventory of your Life (Lesson 2) (37:40)
Setting SMART & Reap/Sow Goals (Lesson 3) (65:44)
Module 2 - 'Habit Change'
Habits in Control (Lesson 4) (27:41)
Forming New Habits (Lesson 5) (39:32)
Overcome Sabotage (Lesson 6) (35:55)
Module 3 - Stress Management Module
Effects of Stress (Lesson 7) (26:25)
Fears and Phobias (Lesson 8) (27:50)
Managing Stress (Lesson 9) (32:55)
Module 4 - Transformation Module
Aligning Behaviors (Lesson 10) (32:22)
Managing Changes (Lesson 11) (35:51)
Fuel Your Purpose & Identity (Lesson 12) (30:57)
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